
I’m an Elementary Education Major, avid steampunk, writer, artist, amateur seamstress, and a Christian. Growing up I was always the quiet girl at the back of the room that no one ever payed attention to, and I didn’t mind that, I actually quite enjoyed it. Were there times I wished people would reach out, talk to me, invite me to outings/parties? Yes. But really, at the end of the day, I would end up being just as happy on my own reading a book. I like people, I care about people, but I’m just fine being on my own.

I struggle with depression, have for a long time, lots of it, and sometimes it feels like for no reason at all. I have this need to keep the people around me happy though so I do my best to not let it show and there’s times where I’m genuinely content, happy even, but it often feels like it doesn’t last.

I tend to be a bit childish, I like cartoons, kid’s movies, kid’s books, and playing around, and I’ll admit it, I’m a bit naive. There are times my younger brother seems to be the older one. On the other hand, I can be mature and grown up when I need to be, it’s just generally not my default setting.

I’m not a girly girl although I’ll occasionally wear a dress or skirt, I far prefer jeans or cargoes. When I do wear skirts it’s usually either Steampunk or some other slightly wild looking sort of outfit. I have a clothing style all my own, although sometimes I worry it’s a bit too young looking, but for the most part I don’t care.

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