Category Archives: style

Haircuts and Appearance

So a couple days ago, I got my hair cut super short (think Emma Watson). I completely love it, it’s so easy to manage and it’s nice a cool and off my neck. This summer I’ve been working at my old school’s summer day care. When I walked in on Monday with my short hair, they kind of freaked out. They asked me if I meant to get it cut that short and insisted that, despite my makeup and earrings, I looked like a boy. Frankly, this doesn’t really bother me. I’ve been accused of being a boy before: I’ve been hit on by girls and gay guys that were shocked when they heard I was a girl. I’ve been called a lesbian and a dyke (even though I am 100% straight). I’ve sort of become immune to being mistaken for a boy. Heck, as I was getting the cut, there was one point where I looked in the mirror and thought I looked very similar to my younger brother before he graduated and started to grow out his hair.

Suffice it to say, I don’t really care what people think about my looks, I care much more about what I like and how comfortable I am. Honestly, if I really cared how I looked, my wardrobe would probably be a lot different. There would likely be no steampunk things, skirts would be worn more often (I have some I’m just not big on wearing them that much), there wouldn’t be so many articles from the boy’s section, and my hair would be long and driving me nuts.

That’s not to say that I don’t care about my looks at all. I do, I’m human, I want people to like me and compliment me. In fact, in just about everything outside of my dresser/closet, I’m very much a people pleaser… it’s not exactly a good thing. Sometimes I find myself wondering if I dress “strangely” in an act of independence from people or because I want their attention. Perhaps it’s a little of both.

In any case, there’s one thing I try to keep in mind: I dress for myself not for anyone else. Sure, sometimes I don’t mind a little attention (I tend to get a good deal when I go out in my steampunk outfits), but in the end, I wear the clothes for my own enjoyment and comfort. And yes, I try my best not to wear anything that isn’t comfortable: even my steampunk is comfortable emotionally if not physically (although most of my stuff isn’t uncomfortable). By emotionally, I mean that I feel confident… much more so than I do normally. That is one thing I love about steampunk, I generally feel like a completely different person, someone that is confident and doesn’t care at all what people think.

Anyway, it’s always important to remember that it doesn’t matter what other people think about your appearance (outside of general hygiene or if it’s for a job or something) as long as you feel comfortable with yourself. Don’t dress to impress other people (again, outside of job interviews or if you have a work uniform or something), dress in such a way that you feel confident and relaxed. What’s important is what you think about how you look, not what others think. So, if you want to cut your hair down to like 2 inches in length, go for it, don’t worry about what other people will say as long as you like it.

Three Musketeers

So my mom and I watched the newest Three Musketeers movie tonight (well I watched, mom fell asleep partway through). I’ve always loved the 1993 version of it, and was expecting to be disappointed because I’ve never been big on “remakes” or other versions of things I’ve loved. However, this movie was absolutely brilliant! I completely loved it. The costumes were gorgeous for the most part (the king looked kind of ridiculous in my opinion but, unfortunately that was what lords and such actually wore in the 17th century O.o).



D’Artagnan was freaking adorable and his rockish look was very nice and flattering. The actors all did a marvelous job too, it was very believable.



Now for the part that made me really happy. AIRSHIPS!!!!!! I nearly squealed for joy when I saw the airship for the first time. My steampunk heart totally geeked out over the gorgeous work and reality in how it worked. I could totally believe that it actually existed and… I want one I want one so badly. Plus there were all the traps and weaponry that looked very steampunk as well. I know it wasn’t strictly a steampunk movie by definition because  nothing was actually steampowered from what I can tell (some of the weapons on the airship may have been but I’m not certain on that), but the aesthetic was there and it had elements that made me go “WANT!!!” or gave me ideas for my personal outfits.

Speaking of steampunk, I think one of these days I’m going to have to sit down and write a post all about my love of this genre… maybe even include pictures of my outfits (you’ll get to see me, yay you (even though I’m pretty certain most of my readers, like what 2, already know me)).

But I’ve (once again) strayed a bit from the topic. So, back on topic, the newest Three Musketeers movie was totally awesome, historical with a wee bit of modern thrown in. Despite my expectations I completely loved it and give it 2 thumbs up. If you like the book or older movies, I definitely recommend it.

Oh Happy Day :D

So, this is a post I intended to put up yesterday but after the all-nighter thanks to procrastination (See War on Procrastination Nation post) I ended up falling asleep right after supper. But anyway, yesterday I checked my mail and what do I find, but the things I’ve been waiting a week to get – my corset!!!! If my previous posts haven’t convinced you I’m weird, this one here should, I mean what sort of girl gets excited about a piece of clothing that makes breathing difficult and has been described as a torture-device? Regardless, I’m so super excited about it!!!!!

Now, here’s the deal, I know I’m skinny (most of you people don’t because I haven’t put up a picture, but just take my word for it, I’m thin), so I’m not planning to do any waist reduction with this thing, I want it for the gorgeous look it has, the steampunk outfits it opens up, the chance to wear something strapless without it falling off (a real concern for me), and the benefits it has for posture (mine is atrocious, I slouch more than the Hunchback of Notre Dam).

So anyway, I put it on yesterday as soon as I got out of class… and thus commenced the frustration. I didn’t realize how hard lacing those things would be…. It seemed impossible to get it tight enough at the bust and hips without making breathing border-line impossible, and I was intending to NOT tight-lace the dang thing. I realize a good portion of the problem stemmed from my… well… slightly smaller than average girls. I’ll be completely honest, I was not blessed in that way. Okay, I did say completely honest… genetics screwed me over and I can pass for a boy if I wear baggy clothes (this actually happened several times with one of my previous haircuts…). So yes, the corset needs to be tighter up top in order for there not to be a huge gap between skin and fabric and this results in the waist almost feeling like Oh my gosh, I’m going to die, I can’t breathe!!!!!! Fortunately after an hour and a half of experimentation with different tightness levels and ways of tightening, I finally managed to get it comfortably tight where it needed to be. It was a little more reducing than I had originally planned but I could breathe (for the most part) and it felt pretty comfortable. Of course then I decided to go eat in the thing since I needed to wear it for about an hour before taking it of so it would have the chance to mold to my body shape and such. Eating is not a wise decision when wearing one for the first time. The corset is pressing against your stomach so after about 5-10 bites, you feel like you’re gonna pop a seam or something. Seriously, by the time I finished my 5 brussel sprouts, 10 carrots, and maybe 1 cup of pasta, I felt like I was seven months pregnant and I had to go back upstairs to my room to get out of that thing before it exploded. But at least I know now, not to wear the thing when I eat at least not until I get more used to it.

Overall, I’m still incredibly happy with my new corset and hopeful that next time it won’t be quite so frustrating or difficult to get into.