Category Archives: Bad Habits

Too Much Junk

Packing up to head home from college and I’ve come to the realization (once again) that I have way too much crap. I need some serious intervention or spring cleaning or something. Just have to get rid of at least some of it. Honestly It’s kind of ridiculous, I’m not even all that certain I’m going to have enough room in my SUV to take it all back. Spent a good portion of the day getting everything together and yet I still feel like I’ve hardly made a dent. I know I have just seems that there’s still a lot still to pack. What’s even worse is that I have even more stuff waiting for me back home.

So here’s my ultimatum with myself. I’m going to have a garage sale or ebay sale or something to get rid of at least a good portion of my stuff. My clothes are going to go down to only one drawer per type and minimal hanging clothes. Maybe like 2 weeks worth of clothing would be a good idea? I’m not exactly sure just what my prerequisite is going to be because I like having clothes that I can easily adapt for steampunk but I will get rid of things… I will. Actual items are going to be gotten rid of as well. Anything that I don’t need for college or for a future apartment will go (with some exceptions like my thimble collection and some of my stuffed animals… sentimental things)… oh and I’ll be keeping my Steampunk props… went through some hard searching for those, not gonna just get rid of them, plus I’ll be using them so it’s all good, right?

If you couldn’t tell, I’m a bit of a hoarder… I don’t like to get rid of things; I can always find one reason or another to justify keeping something. It’s a problem, I admit. But I’m going to try and do my best to break out of this bad habit.

Anyone else have this sort of problem? Anyone conquered it (or on their way to conquering it) that can give some advice on kicking the hoarding habit — short of going on that tv show?

War against Procrastination Nation

Ok so really, this is something about me that desperately needs to stop. I procrastinate WAY too much. On like everything, doesn’t matter what it is, if it’s something that needs to be done, I procrastinate (in fact, I’m currently writing this post when I really should be working on homework). I procrastinate on doing homework which results in all-nighters and messed up sleep schedules and sometimes in failing (last quarter (yes my college does quarters instead of semesters, annoying) I failed 2 of my classes because I put the work off so long and in some cases didn’t even do it at all… I had my reasons at the time but looking back… I was just plain ol’ dumb). I procrastinated on calling the dentist (I hate making phone calls and ones to set up dentist or doctor’s appointments are even worse) and as a result my teeth are horrible I kid you not, they’re bad, pretty much all my front teeth have visible holes in them and they’re this kinda yellowish color (sorry if I just grossed you out, but that’s my point). I procrastinated on turning in my rented school books and it cost me about $100 because the bookstore made me pay the difference between renting and buying. To sum it up: procrastination has cost me a lot in about every sense of the word… and yet here I am putting off more stuff! I really gotta figure out ways to keep me from procrastinating, all I’m doing is hurting myself in the long run. Of course, telling myself that doesn’t help, I’ve been doing it for 3 years now and nothing really changes. Maybe if I go back to my old high-school way of doing things; setting daily goals and only doing the stuff that I want to do once those are done. If I write it out on a card like I had to back in hs, maybe I’ll actually follow through with it instead of falling through like I have been. Granted it’s a bit late to be thinking about this sort of thing now when I only have a week left of the session but maybe it’ll help if I get in the habit now, before my summer class and next year. I really can’t afford to fail another class or lose something else because of procrastination (like my scholarships, yikes!)

This. Means. War! I’m calling out the nation of Procrastination, a fight to the death, and I refuse to die. WHO’S WITH ME?! Let’s stand up against procrastination, get things done and no longer face the consequences of waiting too long.

What are some ways you fight procrastination? Do you imagine your mother’s voice scolding you (again) for putting things off too long? (admittedly, that one does sometimes help, but eventually I’ve learned to tune out even my mind-Mom) Do you set daily goals and make to-do-lists to make sure you get everything done? Leave a reply in the comments to share your own fight against Procrastination Nation.