Category Archives: Movies

Dark Knight Rises Review

Went to see Dark Knight Rises for the midnight premier. Oh. My. Word. It was AMAZING. So totally good, I completely loved it.
I’m not a huge Batman fan, all the hype and cartoon after stupid cartoon turned me off it. I liked the original cartoons fairly well growing up but then it all became boring for me. Then there’s also the fact that I’m just not a huge DC fan anyway. I went to the midnight premier for Dark Knight Rises because friends were going and I honestly really want to have a life sometimes. Plus, I figured it’d be really good. I’ve not seen the first two movies (although I do know I’ve seen part of the first one… I vaguely remember some of it… may have even seen the whole thing but it didn’t really stick with me). I was expecting to enjoy the movie but not to really get caught up in it as much as I did.

I do have a couple complaints tho: 1. It was really freaking hard to understand Bane through his mask… I think I missed like half of what he said. Batman’s altered voice was also difficult (and kind of annoying really… not a fan of the shouty thing) but for the most part was easier to catch all that he said. 2. The music was too loud and made it difficult to hear the dialog at times… this seems to be a reoccurring problem in movies…. 3. Why do all the midnight premiers have to be the night before I have work at 6:30am? So freaking tired but it’s basically not even worth trying to sleep.

However, the pros definitely out-weighed the cons and I give the movie two giant thumbs up, GO WATCH IT!!!!!

Three Musketeers

So my mom and I watched the newest Three Musketeers movie tonight (well I watched, mom fell asleep partway through). I’ve always loved the 1993 version of it, and was expecting to be disappointed because I’ve never been big on “remakes” or other versions of things I’ve loved. However, this movie was absolutely brilliant! I completely loved it. The costumes were gorgeous for the most part (the king looked kind of ridiculous in my opinion but, unfortunately that was what lords and such actually wore in the 17th century O.o).



D’Artagnan was freaking adorable and his rockish look was very nice and flattering. The actors all did a marvelous job too, it was very believable.



Now for the part that made me really happy. AIRSHIPS!!!!!! I nearly squealed for joy when I saw the airship for the first time. My steampunk heart totally geeked out over the gorgeous work and reality in how it worked. I could totally believe that it actually existed and… I want one I want one so badly. Plus there were all the traps and weaponry that looked very steampunk as well. I know it wasn’t strictly a steampunk movie by definition because  nothing was actually steampowered from what I can tell (some of the weapons on the airship may have been but I’m not certain on that), but the aesthetic was there and it had elements that made me go “WANT!!!” or gave me ideas for my personal outfits.

Speaking of steampunk, I think one of these days I’m going to have to sit down and write a post all about my love of this genre… maybe even include pictures of my outfits (you’ll get to see me, yay you (even though I’m pretty certain most of my readers, like what 2, already know me)).

But I’ve (once again) strayed a bit from the topic. So, back on topic, the newest Three Musketeers movie was totally awesome, historical with a wee bit of modern thrown in. Despite my expectations I completely loved it and give it 2 thumbs up. If you like the book or older movies, I definitely recommend it.

The Vow

Finally got around to watching The Vow tonight. It was a great movie, it really was. I cried (as I had expected and prepared for lol), I laughed and I enjoyed myself thoroughly.

Here’s the thing, I’m not usually much of a chick flick kind of girl. I like them but I generally have to be in the right mood… i.e. either depressed (weird I know) or if I’m with other girls, or with my significant other (currently not happening as I’m single as of this point… usually my point of depression, reallly). Give me an action movie, a kids movie, or better yet an indie movie (they’re so great) any day, any time and I will happily watch it, but for me to watch a romantic chick flick… it’s gotta be the right time.

Honestly, I think I’m a bit of a masochist. I mean really, what do I do when I’m depressed? I watch a movie where the girl completely forgets her husband and he has to earn her love back. Sweet story, but full of tears. One of the problems is that (currently at least) one of the main causes of my depression is boy troubles, so of course, I decide to watch a movie that reminds me of what a “relationship” could be like and that gets my mind thinking again. I have to tell myself constantly that my life is not like a movie and that things don’t work that way. Then I watch a movie like this and my dreaming and wishing all starts back up again. It’s certainly not helping my (rather precarious if you ask me) mentality or sanity.

Now, I don’t want to get too into this… I’m not particularly keen on discussing my “love life” (or lack thereof) online… it’s just bad form. However, I do want to point out the main problem behind my depression. Now it seems pretty pathetic, being depressed or upset because of a boy (especially when, like me, you’ve been apart longer than you were together… we’re talking double the time here), but I can’t seem to help it. I’ve already talked about the fact that my interaction with people is sub-par. As a result of that, I tend to be a bit clingy to the people that are in my life — the ones that can actually put up with me. I have a deep seated fear of losing the people I care about. I’m also one of those people that sort of wears her heart on her sleeve. I say sort of because over time I’ve become paranoid about people getting close to me and then leaving… probably one of the reasons I’m so awkward around people. But, if someone invests the time, I can open up pretty easily and give just about everything that I am. I form connections with the people I care about pretty quickly when I feel they’ve earned it and I feel deeply very quickly. So, when it ends… I’m devastated… almost completely destroyed. Very rarely in my life have I actually had this happen; only a couple times really. But when it does happen… even now when it’s been so long I’m still having a hard time coping. And so (back to the topic), I watch chick flicks that kind of make things worse.

On the other side of things tho, it’s almost soothing to watch romantic chick flicks. It lets me cry for what I feel is a good reason. It’s a good cry, and sometimes a happy cry. It’s an excuse to be sad just for the sake of being sad… plus it’s a great excuse to curl up around a bowl of ice cream, wear sweats, and just feel like a normal girl (hey, even us weirdos need to feel normal every now and then).

So, this went a little (okay, a lot) off topic. All things considered, The Vow was an amazing movie and I totally loved it, despite the many many tears I shed.

Edit: I would like to add that no matter what mood I’m in, if Gerard Butler is in the chick flick I will watch it even if I’m not in my “romantic mood”… Gerard Butler is a gorgeous, amazing (Scottish -happy sigh-) actor and I will watch him no matter the time or mood.


So, the new Avengers movie finally came out this past Friday. I wanted to go to the midnight viewing so badly, I’m a big Avengers fan (another weirdness factor is my love of comic books and action movies). Sadly, I’ve not been able to go as of yet. I’ve considered going on one of the days when I don’t have classes, but my mother has expressed a desire for me to wait until I get home for the summer because she also wants to see it. I may still go anyway because I’m pretty sure I will not have a problem with going a second time. The main factor I need to take into consideration is the fact that the movie theater near my college is freaking expensive. No matter what I will likely be one of those weirdos that dresses up for the movie and one thing I really want to do is one of these:


I’m thinking probably the Black Widow one or maybe Hulk or Loki. I love doing fun stuff with eye makeup. I’m not big on doing regular makeup, hardly ever really wear it, but the eye stuff can be lots of fun. I wear makeup, not to attract boys or because I think I need it, but because it’s fun and can be an expression of art. Usually I’m perfectly fine with my natural face look but every now and then I like to glam it up (usually with something crazy and weird). Anyway, hope to be making a post on my reaction to the movie here pretty soon. TTYL