Category Archives: Introduction

Introducing the Weirdo

So, what is it that makes me consider myself weird? Well first off, I’d rather consider myself weird than just average. But why don’t I just tell you about myself and you can decide for yourselves whether I’m weird or average, not that it much matters what you think. I’m an Elementary Education Major, avid steampunk, writer, artist, seamstress, and a Christian. Growing up I was always the quiet girl at the back of the room that no one ever payed attention to, and I didn’t mind that, I actually quite enjoyed it. Were there times I wished people would reach out, talk to me, invite me to outings/parties? Yes. But really, at the end of the day, I would end up being just as happy on my own reading a book. I like people, I care about people, but I’m just fine being on my own.

I struggle with depression, have for a long time, lots of it, and sometimes it feels like for no reason at all. I have this need to keep the people around me happy though so I do my best to not let it show and there’s times where I’m genuinely content, happy even, but it often feels like it doesn’t last.

I tend to be a bit childish, I like cartoons, kid’s movies, kid’s books, and playing around, and I’ll admit it, I’m a bit naive. There are times my younger brother seems to be the older one. On the other hand, I can be mature and grown up when I need to be, it’s just generally not my default setting.

I’m not a girly girl although I’ll occasionally wear a dress or skirt, I far prefer jeans or cargoes. When I do wear skirts it’s usually either Steampunk or some other slightly wild looking sort of outfit. I have a clothing style all my own, although sometimes I worry it’s a bit too young looking, but for the most part I don’t care.

You can judge for yourself whether you think I’m weird or not, but I stand by the idea that I am and I’m proud of that fact.