Three Musketeers

So my mom and I watched the newest Three Musketeers movie tonight (well I watched, mom fell asleep partway through). I’ve always loved the 1993 version of it, and was expecting to be disappointed because I’ve never been big on “remakes” or other versions of things I’ve loved. However, this movie was absolutely brilliant! I completely loved it. The costumes were gorgeous for the most part (the king looked kind of ridiculous in my opinion but, unfortunately that was what lords and such actually wore in the 17th century O.o).



D’Artagnan was freaking adorable and his rockish look was very nice and flattering. The actors all did a marvelous job too, it was very believable.



Now for the part that made me really happy. AIRSHIPS!!!!!! I nearly squealed for joy when I saw the airship for the first time. My steampunk heart totally geeked out over the gorgeous work and reality in how it worked. I could totally believe that it actually existed and… I want one I want one so badly. Plus there were all the traps and weaponry that looked very steampunk as well. I know it wasn’t strictly a steampunk movie by definition because  nothing was actually steampowered from what I can tell (some of the weapons on the airship may have been but I’m not certain on that), but the aesthetic was there and it had elements that made me go “WANT!!!” or gave me ideas for my personal outfits.

Speaking of steampunk, I think one of these days I’m going to have to sit down and write a post all about my love of this genre… maybe even include pictures of my outfits (you’ll get to see me, yay you (even though I’m pretty certain most of my readers, like what 2, already know me)).

But I’ve (once again) strayed a bit from the topic. So, back on topic, the newest Three Musketeers movie was totally awesome, historical with a wee bit of modern thrown in. Despite my expectations I completely loved it and give it 2 thumbs up. If you like the book or older movies, I definitely recommend it.

About fillygirl90

Currently a junior in college. Elementary Ed Major, avid Steampunk, writer, artist, seamstress, Christian.

Posted on June 10, 2012, in Movies, style. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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